|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Volume 1 Issue 1 (December 2021)

Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles

Comparison of School Perceptions of Primary School High School Students By Examining The Metaphor


pp. 1 - 18


It is aimed at schools to prepare children for life and to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. In this process, how students perceive the school is an important issue. The way students perceive the school affects whether they acquire the desired knowledge and skill or not. The aim of this study is to determine the school perceptions of primary and high school students. This study was conducted during the academic year 2020-2021 Turkey's southeast province with 10 students in the fourth grade of a high school and 10 students an elementary school in the fourth grade . Participants were selected by purposeful sampling method on a voluntary basis. In this study, qualitative research method was used and the data were collected by metaphor method and semi-structured interview form. Students were asked to produce metaphors about the school and the teacher, and four interview questions were asked. The interviews were made by phone due to the pandemic. The data were analyzed using content and descriptive analysis. Expert opinion and researcher triangulation were also included when analyzing the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that students' overall school perception was positive. The home metaphor for school is often used, as well as the metaphor of life, home, play, prison, breadbasket and family. For the teacher, the metaphor of one of the family members was focused on and the metaphors of computer, dessert, tree, flower, compass, candle, friend, sun, good person and leader were also used.

Keywords: High school, Metaphor, Primary school, School perception

Researching Effects of Pandemic Period on 8th and 12th Grade Students Preparing for Exams in 2020 – 2021 Academic Year

Cevdet TUNÇ, Adem TUNÇ, Erdem DEDE, Emre TAŞARSU & Emine KILIÇ

pp. 19 - 32


The purpose of this study is examining the positive and negative effects of the pandemic period on the 8th and 12th grade students preparing for the exams in 2020-2021 academic year. This study was carried out by fifteen 8th and 12th grade students studying at a secondary school in two different high schools in the center of Gaziantep in Southeast Anatolia region in 2020-2021 academic year. Semi-structured interview technique was used as a data collection tool in this study. Descriptive and content analysis were used in the analysis of the obtained data. According to the results of the study, some positive and negative effects of the pandemic period were found on the 8th and 12th grade students who were preparing for the LGS and YKS exams. While there are negative results such as getting behind of the subjects, shortening the course time, experiencing technological difficulties, internet access problems, physical and mental effects, anxiety about illness; some students stated that shortening the course time has positive effects on eye health and they have more time to study as they stay at home and by this means they stated that this situation positively affected their courses. The findings were discussed in the light of the literature and various suggestions were made. 

Keywords: Covid-19, Distance education, LGS and YKS exams, Student opinion

The Relationship Between Mathematical Attitudes and School Climate of High School Students


pp. 33 - 48


Our research was conducted to examine the relationship between the attitudes of 10th grade high school students towards mathematics lesson and the school climate they perceive. The sample of the study, in which the relational screening method was used, consists of a total of 92 high school students, 48 female students and 44 male students, who are studying in the 10th grade in Arifiye, Sakarya. School Climate Society Scale (Çalık & Kurt, 2010) and Mathematics Attitude Scales (Aşkar, 1986) were used as data collection tools in the study. According to the findings, a positive correlation was found between the mathematics attitudes of high school students when they go to the classroom, but no significant relationship was found between the variables of gender, age, school types, school climate and Mathematics attitudes.

Keywords: High school students, Mathematics lesson attitudes, School climate

Primary School Parents' Perception of Covid-19 and School Perceptions in Covid-19 Process: A Metaphoric Study

Amine Ece BAĞ

pp. 49 - 69


The aim of this research is to examine and evaluate the images and perceptions of kindergarten parents regarding the concept of "Covid-19" and "school in the process of Covid-19" through metaphors. A case study was used in this research. The study group was determined by purposive sampling. Face-to-face interviews could not be held with parents due to the Covid-19 outbreak, data were collected with an online questionnaire. The data collection tool consists of two parts. In the first part, the parents' age, gender, province and "Does anyone in your family have Covid-19?" questions are included. In the second part, “Coronavirus…. like/similar; because …” and “School during the coronavirus is like/similar to …; because …” were asked to express their own free thoughts. In the research, 109 metaphors were produced for the concept of "Covid-19" and 94 metaphors were produced for the concept of "school during the Covid-19 process". According to the findings of the research, parents' perceptions of the concept of "Covid-19" are common and presented in 6 categories. These categories are; disease and spread, effectiveness, abstract concepts, lethality, negative emotion and struggle. According to the findings of the second problem of the research, the perceptions of the parents about the concept of "school in the Covid-19 process" are common and presented in 5 categories. These categories are; danger, safe space, ignorance, deficiency and emotional state. The perceptions of parents who have not experienced Covid-19 regarding the concept of "school in the Covid-19 process" are grouped under 4 categories: uncertainty, safe space, lack and dangerous.

Keywords: Covid-19 perception, Metaphor, Parents, School perception in the covid 19 process

The Reflection of Teacher Technology Knowledge On Distance Education

Neslihan ALTAN, Miyase Kübra DİNLER & Oğuz KÜRKÇÜ

pp. 70 - 84


The global Covid-19 pandemic affected education as in all areas of our daily life, and the distance learning process in education started with the necessary precautions in this field. Especially the use of online education technologies has provided a solution in this area for restarting and maintaining education, which was suspended for a while due to the pandemic. This study aims to reveal how teachers' knowledge of technology usage at the secondary education level in distance education activities is reflected in the distance education process. The research was conducted with the case study model, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The study sample consists of 26 teachers working at the secondary education level throughout the city of Gaziantep. The study data were collected as a result of the interviews made in Zoom and WhatsApp applications with the semi-structured interview form created by the researchers as a result of scanning the literature. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and content analysis. Despite the adverse effects of the pandemic process on education in the research findings, teachers continue their teaching activities by using all the opportunities provided by technology and preparing course materials by using educational technologies in this process. In this negative process, they ensure that educational activities continue by sharing these materials with their students.

Keywords: Distance education, Educational technologies, Technology