|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Volume 3 Issue 2 (December 2023)

Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles

Teacher's Opinions on the Use of Metaverse

Nour Saad, Seçkin Gedikbey & Mustafa Bayrakçı

pp. 1 - 14


This study is aimed to explore the opinions of teachers about the use of Metaverse in an educational evironment. Several questions will be answered regarding the use of metaverse in th classroom by teachers such as their understandig of metaverse and their confidence in utilizing it in the classroom. The study group of the research consists of 11 teachers who are teaching in one of the central secondary schools of SAKARYA province in 2022, determined by the convenience sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling method. The reason for choosing this study group is that the sample is near the researcher and easy to reach, thus giving speed and practice for the research. In order to prevent the identity of the teachers in the research group from being known, and in accordance with the ethical rules, the teachers were assigned numbers such as Ö1, Ö2, Ö3, Ö4, Ö4, Ö5, Ö6, Ö7, Ö8, Ö9, Ö10, Ö11. A case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was used as the research model. In the study, the analysis of the interview data was made using the content analysis method. It was concluded that the teachers had heard about the concept of metaverse only recently, their self-efficacy in using metaverse varied, and had different applications of metaverse in the learning environment.

Keywords: Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Teachers’ Opinions

6th February Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Metaphor Study of Teachers' Perception of Earthquake, Place of Living and Future

Bilge Seçil Kahraman, Filiz Demirhan & Tuğba Eniş Erdoğan

pp. 15 - 39


Turkey experienced two major earthquakes on 6 February 2023 with epicentres in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş, respectively. In the 11 provinces affected by these two major earthquakes, a severe picture emerged that interrupted human life in terms of socio-economic, psychological and spatial aspects. The negative effects of earthquakes, which resulted in great damage and losses, continue for many years from the moment they occur and are not erased from the memory of individuals.  In this study, metaphors were used to determine the heavy pictures experienced by the people who experienced the earthquake of 6 February, which was described as the "Disaster of the Century", and to analyse the psychological situation they were in, and teachers who experienced the earthquake were selected as the study group. Based on the situations in which the teachers are in, it is foreseen that they can also be decisive for the improvement of other individuals. According to the data obtained from 164 teachers participating in the study, the participants produced 65 metaphors for the concept of earthquake, 74 metaphors for the concept of future and 86 metaphors for the concept of home. In line with the metaphors created by the participants, it is seen that the earthquake is perceived as a doomsday-like effect, helplessness and disaster; the future after the earthquake is perceived as uncertainty, hopelessness and pessimism; and the place of residence is perceived as an unsafe, fearful grave.

Keywords: Earthquake, Metaphor, Teacher

The 2023 Education Vision Document/Reform A Review of the Literature

Ahmet Taylan, Neytullah Turan, Erdoğan Karakuş & İbrahim Raslan

pp. 40 - 51


The purpose of this study is to systematically examine the academic studies conducted on the 2023 Education Vision, which was launched by the Ministry of National Education. It is aimed to analyze and draw conclusions about the articles and theses written on the 2023 Education Vision according to their objectives, working groups, results, and suggestions. The focus of the research is how the 2023 Education Vision is seen by the stakeholders of education, to what extent it is owned, and what kind of contributions it will make. Data was collected and examined by browsing the articles and theses on the "Google Scholar", "Yök Tez", and "Dergipark" websites. In this study, a systematic compilation method was used, and a document analysis was applied as a research design. The articles and theses identified on the subject were examined from 4 perspectives: the method used in the studies, the working groups of the research, the interview questions used, and the results and suggestions of the studies; the findings were interpreted accordingly.

According to the review results, despite the excitement that the Education Vision for 2023 initially sparked among stakeholders, the negative experiences gained from previous educational models, the fact that stakeholders were not included in the process of creating the vision document, and concerns that the goals will take a long time to achieve, have all contributed to a less optimistic outlook. According to the study, there is a negative perception about the vision which is further strengthened. Furthermore, as the professional seniority and educational level increases, the positive perception of the vision decreases in western cities. To achieve the 2023 Education Vision, the study suggests improving the physical facilities of schools, prioritizing teacher training and development, and eliminating the educational gap between schools and cities.

Keywords: Mission, Reform, Vision

Investigation of the Achievement Status of Children Who Learn to Read and Write Before Starting School

Arzu Bakırcı

pp. 52 - 77


This study was conducted to reveal the opinions of classroom teachers about children's literacy learning before starting school. In the research, research was carried out with a case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods. While forming the study group of the research, the study group was determined by criterion sampling, which is one of the purposive sampling methods. 15 classroom teachers working in primary school in Kahta district of Adıyaman province were included in the study group. Study data were collected in the spring semester of 2021-2022. Interview technique from the qualitative research model was used to get the opinions of 1st grade students who came to school knowing how to read and write. A demographic information form was added to the interview form. After filling out this form, students were given a form to collect their information. Interviews were conducted by appointment with classroom teachers. An area suitable for the school environment was also built to ensure participation on a voluntary basis. The questions were answered by the class teachers using a voice recorder. The answers given by the classroom teachers were evaluated according to descriptive content analysis and combined under themes. Each class teacher was given a code for their answers. These codes were transferred to the computer environment. As a result of the researches, it was seen that the academic achievement levels of the students who made an early transition to literacy were higher than the answers given by the classroom teachers. It has been observed that the academic achievement of students who understand reading is high. However, low motivation was often observed in students who switched to early reading. It has been observed that students who start reading early have difficulty focusing compared to their peers. In order to eliminate these problems, it has been ensured that students are activated in peer teaching.

Keywords: Early Literacy, Motivation

Descriptive Analysis of the Theses about Intergeneratıonal at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center- YÖKTez on Social Studies

Soner Polat & Ensari Tekel

pp. 78 - 99


The aim of the researcher is to do descriptive analysis of the ‘intergeneration’ term systematically at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center-YÖK Tez. This research has been practiced with the descriptive analysis method of qualitative research model. For that purpose, the articles in Social Studies between the years 2002-2022 that include ‘intergeneration’ term are formed study group. For analysing of obtained data descriptive analysis method is utilized. According to the results of the research, it is obtained 57 thesis with the ‘intergenerational’ title. During the research, it is reached that the first thesis with ‘intergeneration’ term in Social Studies has been published in 2016. Written thesis vary in terms of language. It is clearly understood that 15 of them are English and rest of them are Turkish language. To reach the numbers, the thesis have been made groups at the excel table. The main three titles have been determined as a descriptive data, method and content. The subtitles of the descriptive data have been determined as a name of the thesis, publication year of the thesis, the university where the thesis was presented, the language of the thesis, the subject area of the thesis and the author of the thesis. The subtitles of the method have been determined as a design of the thesis, method, study group, data analysis tools and data analysis. In addition, the subtitles of the content have been determined as a theme of the thesis, subtheme of the thesis and findings. Analysed data of the thesis have been written down in the right column. With this study, we can determine what the need is about the intergeneration concepts. Thus, it can support and develop the relationships between the different generations. As a result, this study will be the guide for the next studies about intergeneration concept.

Keywords: Intergeneration, Intergenerational relations, Descriptive content analysis