|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2021, Vol. 1(1) 49-69

Primary School Parents' Perception of Covid-19 and School Perceptions in Covid-19 Process: A Metaphoric Study

Amine Ece BAĞ

pp. 49 - 69   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2021.004

Published online: December 15, 2021  |   Number of Views: 2  |  Number of Download: 9


The aim of this research is to examine and evaluate the images and perceptions of kindergarten parents regarding the concept of "Covid-19" and "school in the process of Covid-19" through metaphors. A case study was used in this research. The study group was determined by purposive sampling. Face-to-face interviews could not be held with parents due to the Covid-19 outbreak, data were collected with an online questionnaire. The data collection tool consists of two parts. In the first part, the parents' age, gender, province and "Does anyone in your family have Covid-19?" questions are included. In the second part, “Coronavirus…. like/similar; because …” and “School during the coronavirus is like/similar to …; because …” were asked to express their own free thoughts. In the research, 109 metaphors were produced for the concept of "Covid-19" and 94 metaphors were produced for the concept of "school during the Covid-19 process". According to the findings of the research, parents' perceptions of the concept of "Covid-19" are common and presented in 6 categories. These categories are; disease and spread, effectiveness, abstract concepts, lethality, negative emotion and struggle. According to the findings of the second problem of the research, the perceptions of the parents about the concept of "school in the Covid-19 process" are common and presented in 5 categories. These categories are; danger, safe space, ignorance, deficiency and emotional state. The perceptions of parents who have not experienced Covid-19 regarding the concept of "school in the Covid-19 process" are grouped under 4 categories: uncertainty, safe space, lack and dangerous.

Keywords: Covid-19 perception, Metaphor, Parents, School perception in the covid 19 process

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
BAG, A.E. (2021). Primary School Parents' Perception of Covid-19 and School Perceptions in Covid-19 Process: A Metaphoric Study . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 1(1), 49-69.

BAG, A. (2021). Primary School Parents' Perception of Covid-19 and School Perceptions in Covid-19 Process: A Metaphoric Study . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 1(1), pp. 49-69.

Chicago 16th edition
BAG, Amine Ece (2021). "Primary School Parents' Perception of Covid-19 and School Perceptions in Covid-19 Process: A Metaphoric Study ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 1 (1):49-69.


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