Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2023, Vol. 3(2) 40-51
Ahmet Taylan, Neytullah Turan, Erdoğan Karakuş & İbrahim Raslan
pp. 40 - 51 | Manu. Number: jtade.2023.009
Published online: December 31, 2023 | Number of Views: 5 | Number of Download: 45
The purpose of this study is to systematically examine the academic studies conducted on the 2023 Education Vision, which was launched by the Ministry of National Education. It is aimed to analyze and draw conclusions about the articles and theses written on the 2023 Education Vision according to their objectives, working groups, results, and suggestions. The focus of the research is how the 2023 Education Vision is seen by the stakeholders of education, to what extent it is owned, and what kind of contributions it will make. Data was collected and examined by browsing the articles and theses on the "Google Scholar", "Yök Tez", and "Dergipark" websites. In this study, a systematic compilation method was used, and a document analysis was applied as a research design. The articles and theses identified on the subject were examined from 4 perspectives: the method used in the studies, the working groups of the research, the interview questions used, and the results and suggestions of the studies; the findings were interpreted accordingly.
According to the review results, despite the excitement that the Education Vision for 2023 initially sparked among stakeholders, the negative experiences gained from previous educational models, the fact that stakeholders were not included in the process of creating the vision document, and concerns that the goals will take a long time to achieve, have all contributed to a less optimistic outlook. According to the study, there is a negative perception about the vision which is further strengthened. Furthermore, as the professional seniority and educational level increases, the positive perception of the vision decreases in western cities. To achieve the 2023 Education Vision, the study suggests improving the physical facilities of schools, prioritizing teacher training and development, and eliminating the educational gap between schools and cities.
Keywords: Mission, Reform, Vision
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References |
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