|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2023, Vol. 3(2) 15-39

6th February Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Metaphor Study of Teachers' Perception of Earthquake, Place of Living and Future

Bilge Seçil Kahraman, Filiz Demirhan & Tuğba Eniş Erdoğan

pp. 15 - 39   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2023.008

Published online: December 31, 2023  |   Number of Views: 4  |  Number of Download: 16


Turkey experienced two major earthquakes on 6 February 2023 with epicentres in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş, respectively. In the 11 provinces affected by these two major earthquakes, a severe picture emerged that interrupted human life in terms of socio-economic, psychological and spatial aspects. The negative effects of earthquakes, which resulted in great damage and losses, continue for many years from the moment they occur and are not erased from the memory of individuals.  In this study, metaphors were used to determine the heavy pictures experienced by the people who experienced the earthquake of 6 February, which was described as the "Disaster of the Century", and to analyse the psychological situation they were in, and teachers who experienced the earthquake were selected as the study group. Based on the situations in which the teachers are in, it is foreseen that they can also be decisive for the improvement of other individuals. According to the data obtained from 164 teachers participating in the study, the participants produced 65 metaphors for the concept of earthquake, 74 metaphors for the concept of future and 86 metaphors for the concept of home. In line with the metaphors created by the participants, it is seen that the earthquake is perceived as a doomsday-like effect, helplessness and disaster; the future after the earthquake is perceived as uncertainty, hopelessness and pessimism; and the place of residence is perceived as an unsafe, fearful grave.

Keywords: Earthquake, Metaphor, Teacher

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kahraman, B.S., Demirhan, F. & Erdogan, T.E. (2023). 6th February Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Metaphor Study of Teachers' Perception of Earthquake, Place of Living and Future . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(2), 15-39.

Kahraman, B., Demirhan, F. and Erdogan, T. (2023). 6th February Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Metaphor Study of Teachers' Perception of Earthquake, Place of Living and Future . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(2), pp. 15-39.

Chicago 16th edition
Kahraman, Bilge Secil, Filiz Demirhan and Tugba Enis Erdogan (2023). "6th February Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Metaphor Study of Teachers' Perception of Earthquake, Place of Living and Future ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 3 (2):15-39.


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