|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2023, Vol. 3(2) 78-99

Descriptive Analysis of the Theses about Intergeneratıonal at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center- YÖKTez on Social Studies

Soner Polat & Ensari Tekel

pp. 78 - 99   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2027.001

Published online: December 31, 2027  |   Number of Views: 2  |  Number of Download: 11


The aim of the researcher is to do descriptive analysis of the ‘intergeneration’ term systematically at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center-YÖK Tez. This research has been practiced with the descriptive analysis method of qualitative research model. For that purpose, the articles in Social Studies between the years 2002-2022 that include ‘intergeneration’ term are formed study group. For analysing of obtained data descriptive analysis method is utilized. According to the results of the research, it is obtained 57 thesis with the ‘intergenerational’ title. During the research, it is reached that the first thesis with ‘intergeneration’ term in Social Studies has been published in 2016. Written thesis vary in terms of language. It is clearly understood that 15 of them are English and rest of them are Turkish language. To reach the numbers, the thesis have been made groups at the excel table. The main three titles have been determined as a descriptive data, method and content. The subtitles of the descriptive data have been determined as a name of the thesis, publication year of the thesis, the university where the thesis was presented, the language of the thesis, the subject area of the thesis and the author of the thesis. The subtitles of the method have been determined as a design of the thesis, method, study group, data analysis tools and data analysis. In addition, the subtitles of the content have been determined as a theme of the thesis, subtheme of the thesis and findings. Analysed data of the thesis have been written down in the right column. With this study, we can determine what the need is about the intergeneration concepts. Thus, it can support and develop the relationships between the different generations. As a result, this study will be the guide for the next studies about intergeneration concept.

Keywords: Intergeneration, Intergenerational relations, Descriptive content analysis

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APA 6th edition
Polat, S. & Tekel, E. (2023). Descriptive Analysis of the Theses about Intergeneratıonal at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center- YÖKTez on Social Studies . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(2), 78-99.

Polat, S. and Tekel, E. (2023). Descriptive Analysis of the Theses about Intergeneratıonal at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center- YÖKTez on Social Studies . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(2), pp. 78-99.

Chicago 16th edition
Polat, Soner and Ensari Tekel (2023). "Descriptive Analysis of the Theses about Intergeneratıonal at Council of Higher Education Thesis Center- YÖKTez on Social Studies ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 3 (2):78-99.


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