|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2022, Vol. 2(1) 1-13

Psychological Problems Experienced by Teachers and Ways of Coping with the Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process: The Teachers’ Views

Salih SARIŞIK, Mesut GÜREL, Şeref USLU & Ebru DÖNMEZ

pp. 1 - 13   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2022.001

Published online: June 27, 2022  |   Number of Views: 2  |  Number of Download: 13


The main purpose of the research is to determine the opinions of teachers about the psychological problems experienced by teachers working in primary and secondary education during and after the distance education process during the Covid-19 pandemic process, the sources of these problems, their strategies for coping with psychological problems, and how the psychological problems and processes they experience will affect their profession after the crisis. Case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. The study group of the research consists of 20 teachers from different branches determined by the maximum diversity sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods.  In the research, "semi-structured interview form" developed by the researcher was used as a data collection tool. Expert opinion was sought in order to determine whether the questions in the interview form were suitable for the purpose of the interview. Necessary corrections were made in line with the suggestions and criticisms from the experts. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. When the research data are examined, in line with the findings; The participants face stress, anxiety and physical difficulties in the distance education process, the uncertainty of the process and constant exposure to the computer as the source of these difficulties, the activities such as listening to music, painting, doing sports and sleeping while struggling with the difficulties, and the end of the process. It has been concluded that there are positive and negative effects by switching to education. Difficulties experienced in the distance education process and various suggestions have been made to overcome these difficulties.

Keywords: Online learning, Pandemic, Psychological problem

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APA 6th edition
SARISIK, S., GUREL, M., USLU, S. & DONMEZ, E. (2022). Psychological Problems Experienced by Teachers and Ways of Coping with the Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process: The Teachers’ Views . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 2(1), 1-13.

SARISIK, S., GUREL, M., USLU, S. and DONMEZ, E. (2022). Psychological Problems Experienced by Teachers and Ways of Coping with the Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process: The Teachers’ Views . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 2(1), pp. 1-13.

Chicago 16th edition
SARISIK, Salih, Mesut GUREL, Seref USLU and Ebru DONMEZ (2022). "Psychological Problems Experienced by Teachers and Ways of Coping with the Problems During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process: The Teachers’ Views ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2 (1):1-13.


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