|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2022, Vol. 2(1) 14-27

The Effect of Preschool Learning Environments on Student-Teacher Relationship

Muzaffer Çağrıcı & Şermin Metin

pp. 14 - 27   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2022.002

Published online: June 27, 2022  |   Number of Views: 2  |  Number of Download: 13


The aim of the research is to determine the preschool learning environments and to examine the student-teacher relationship. The sample of the study, in which the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used, consists of 6 independent kindergartens affiliated to the Directorate of National Education in Gaziantep province Şahinbey and Şehitkamil district center in the 2019-2020 academic year, 61 teachers working in these schools and 244 children aged 5 years in the class of these teachers. . In the study, the data were collected using the Learning Environments Evaluation Scale (ECERS R), developed by Harms and Clifford (1980) and adapted to Turkish by Kler Klodya Tovim (1996), and developed by Pianta (1999) and Ası and Karabay (2018) to determine the student-teacher relationship. The data were collected with the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (SSPS-F), which was adapted into Turkish by The data obtained within the scope of the research were analyzed using SPSS (Version 24.0), regression and correlation analyzes were used as well as descriptive statistical methods. A positive relationship was found between the sub-dimensions of the ECERS-R scale, classroom space and furniture, routine personal care, activities and program structure, and the conflict sub-dimension, which is the sub-dimension of the Student-Teacher Relationship scale.

Keywords: Preschool education, Learning Environments, Student Teacher Relationship

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APA 6th edition
Cagrici, M. & Metin, S. (2022). The Effect of Preschool Learning Environments on Student-Teacher Relationship . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 2(1), 14-27.

Cagrici, M. and Metin, S. (2022). The Effect of Preschool Learning Environments on Student-Teacher Relationship . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 2(1), pp. 14-27.

Chicago 16th edition
Cagrici, Muzaffer and Sermin Metin (2022). "The Effect of Preschool Learning Environments on Student-Teacher Relationship ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2 (1):14-27.


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