|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2023, Vol. 3(1) 65-74

Qualifications of Students Who Graduated from STEM ALEX Schools in Egypt

Fatma İsmail, Feyza Candan & Erkan Kasımoğlu

pp. 65 - 74   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2023.004

Published online: July 03, 2023  |   Number of Views: 1  |  Number of Download: 13


Several studies have been conducted regarding the STEM education system. Some of them focused on how to prepare a STEM teacher, while others focused on the STEM system and its origins and differences from the traditional education system. However, when examining previous studies, no study was found that looked at the learning outcome in STEM for the student. The skills of the graduate student from STEM schools are the output of education in schools. STEM and the evidence for its impact on the individual and society, and the difference of the STEM system from any other educational system, so this study aimed to determine the skills of graduate students from STEM schools. And to reach that goal, an attempt was made to answer the question of what are the qualifications of students who graduated from STEM schools in Egypt. Where an attempt was made to answer this question by conducting interviews with some of the graduate students from the Stem school in Alexandria in Egypt, and asking them some questions to determine what skills they acquired during the years of study at the Stem School. Interviews were conducted with 15 female students from STEM Alexandria School. Those who graduated in 2020 are now enrolled in different specializations and universities in different countries, and for this reason, the interviews were conducted through the Zoom program. The results concluded that the students who participated in this study acquired many skills that are included under two types of skills, namely soft skills and hard skills.

Keywords: STEM, STEM schools in Egypt, STEM Approach, STEM education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ismail, F., Candan, F. & Kasimoglu, E. (2023). Qualifications of Students Who Graduated from STEM ALEX Schools in Egypt . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(1), 65-74.

Ismail, F., Candan, F. and Kasimoglu, E. (2023). Qualifications of Students Who Graduated from STEM ALEX Schools in Egypt . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3(1), pp. 65-74.

Chicago 16th edition
Ismail, Fatma, Feyza Candan and Erkan Kasimoglu (2023). "Qualifications of Students Who Graduated from STEM ALEX Schools in Egypt ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 3 (1):65-74.


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