Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2022, Vol. 2(1) 84-105
Melike KOCUK
pp. 84 - 105 | Manu. Number: jtade.2022.005
Published online: June 27, 2022 | Number of Views: 8 | Number of Download: 46
The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of primary school teachers about peer bullying. The study group was formed by using the typical case sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods. The study group was carried out on primary school class teachers with different professional experience, age, gender and experience. 12 classroom teachers were included in the study. This research was created by using the case study method, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The data collection tool consists of socio-demographic questions and a semi-structured interview form consisting of 11 open-ended questions developed by the researcher. In the presentation of the data, the forms were evaluated by descriptive analysis method, themes were determined according to the interview questions and coded. In order to ensure the internal validity of the research, a data collection form was prepared in accordance with the scientific process. To ensure internal credibility, the codes regarding the views on peer bullying were supported with direct quotations. The research method and research process are explained in detail to ensure external reliability and validity. In addition, in order to increase the reliability of the study, the analyses of an expert were taken into account and common points were determined.
As a result of the research, teachers generally defined the definition of peer bullying as brute force, verbal violence, pressure, communication difficulties. When we look at the opinions of the students who apply peer bullying about their age and gender, the majority of the students who apply the bullying are female students and 7-8 age group students. When we look at the opinions of the students who are exposed to peer bullying about their gender and age range, it is seen that they have female students and the age range of 7-8. When we look at the characteristics of the students who practice peer bullying, they expressed them as students with family problems, anger problems, physically strong, students who cannot express themselves, students who are in good financial condition, and students with low success. When we look at the characteristics of the students who are exposed to peer bullying, they stated that they are shy and introverted, physically weak, insecure, and show submissive behavior. Teachers said that they faced types of bullying such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, exclusion, and unauthorized use of items, respectively. Regarding the causes of peer bullying, the teacher presented reasons such as family problems, social media and television, environmental influence, desire to attract attention. They also found that students engaged in peer bullying behavior when they got angry, when they disagreed, when they didn't want to, when they played games, when they wanted attention. At the same time, at the end of the research, teachers said that they could be prevented by cooperating with the guidance service, cooperating with the family, and doing in-class activities to combat peer bullying. As other solution suggestions, they expressed opinions such as family education, seminars, one-on-one dealing and disciplinary action.
Keywords: Peer Bullying, Teacher Opinion, Childhood
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