|  ISSN: 2791-9951

Original article | International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 2024, Vol. 4(1) 15-26

Investigation of The Attitudes of Generation Z Toward Metaverse Technology

Gökçen Nacar, Serhan Çekiç & Nuh Okumuş

pp. 15 - 26   |  Manu. Number: jtade.2024.002

Published online: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 3  |  Number of Download: 11


The research aims to evaluate the attitudes of Generation Z and Generation X educators towards the emerging field of the Metaverse, utilizing qualitative research methods through a case study approach. Semi-structured interview forms were employed to gather insights from participants, with 10 prepared questions refined through expert input. Findings indicated participants' familiarity with the Metaverse primarily through platforms like Roblox, reflecting their digital native status and heightened technology integration. Mark Zuckerberg's conceptualization of the Metaverse as a 3D space for interaction resonated with participants, albeit with concerns regarding privacy and disconnection from reality. Despite apprehensions, there was a shared interest in experiencing the Metaverse for its potential to offer unique opportunities not feasible in real life. The study highlighted potential advantages of Metaverse technology in facilitating simultaneous activities and overcoming spatial constraints, although privacy and social disconnect emerged as significant concerns. Additionally, there were apprehensions about the impact of the Metaverse on individuals' self-perceptions and social interactions. While participants expressed reservations about the novelty of the Metaverse and potential privacy issues, there was a collective interest in exploring its possibilities. The research underscores the evolving nature of the Metaverse and the diverse perspectives surrounding its adoption, suggesting a need for further exploration to understand its implications fully.

Keywords: Metaverse, Generation Z, Technology, Attitude

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Nacar, G., Cekic, S. & Okumus, N. (2024). Investigation of The Attitudes of Generation Z Toward Metaverse Technology . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 4(1), 15-26.

Nacar, G., Cekic, S. and Okumus, N. (2024). Investigation of The Attitudes of Generation Z Toward Metaverse Technology . International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 4(1), pp. 15-26.

Chicago 16th edition
Nacar, Gokcen, Serhan Cekic and Nuh Okumus (2024). "Investigation of The Attitudes of Generation Z Toward Metaverse Technology ". International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education 4 (1):15-26.


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